Minden internetes (főként külföldi honlapokon) méltatják, sok embernek tetszik mégis keveset adnak el belőle, kevesen ismerik itthon 2015 nyarán kezdték forgalmazni, nekem az elsők között sikerült hozzájutnom egyhez, Saucony Nomad Tr, és azóta szinte csak ebben futok, annyira, hogy a Vérkört is ebben teljesítettem. A talp mintázata szinte nulla, agresszivitásnak semmi nyoma, mégis a hazai turistautak jelentős részén elegendő, sőt a legjobb.
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Mondom ezt úgy, hogy a párja egy Saucony Xodus 5 Gtx ami aztán a terepjárók netovábbja számomra, és imádom, és már a xodus széria első (Saucony ProGrid Xodus) harmadik (Saucony Xodus 3 Gtx) és ötödik (Saucony Xodus 5Gtx) verziója is megvan, három éve csak ezekben futok.
Saucony Nomad Tr |
Nekem nagyon bejött a puha mindent csillapító "mamusz", alig volt olyan turista út amin szárazon ne tudtam volna elmenni. Sziklás talajon lényegesen stabilabb mint a nagy mintázat, teljes talpas Power Grid csillapítása nekem pont jó a nagy súlyomhoz. Mellé a minimalista 4mm-es lejtés és tökéletes talajfogás és stabilitás jellemzi, nincs az a hepe-hupa ami ki ficamítaná a bokám vagy botlásra késztetne. Közel 900km-nél járok kopás szinte nulla, és a 81km-es Vérkör (kicsit ráhúztunk a 76-ra) meg se kottyant a lábamnak, egy szisszenés nélkül működött a talpam.
Saucony Xodus 5 Gtx |
Ezen okból is, most már nagyon végig gondolom mit húzok, milyen a talaj, kell-e az agresszív talp. Vagy cserébe kényelmesen "suhanok", persze technikásabb részeken a csúszást kockáztatva.
4. heti kör, Ágoston tér - Tettye - Misina - Tubes - Lapis - Mandulás - fordított nagy kör a tornapályán - állatkert - Dömör kapu - Tettye - Ágoston tér, ~17 km turista utakon.
Nagyon szép időben, napsütésben, enyhe széllel.
Felszerelés: Saucony Xodus 5 Gtx, Lasting Whk zokni, poláros zebra nadrág, vékony Crestyle Trevolution hosszú és rajta az új Montain Equipment Astron felső.
Letölthető útvonal: google térkép (maps, earth),
Sorry but the compiler is not perfect :)
Years are needed until I realized, is not always the "most aggressive, most legebb-foot pattern on the nut, this was an entirely new whole new shoe soles.
All Internet (mostly foreign websites) appreciated by a lot of people like they do give a little of it, few are familiar with at home began to be marketed in the summer of 2015, I managed to get one, Saucony Nomad Tr among the first, and since then almost only in this run, so that the Blood Circle I've done this too. The sole pattern of a substantial part of almost zero, aggressive and no sign yet of sufficient domestic tourist routes, and even the best.
I say this so that the pair is a Saucony Xodus 5 Gtx which then SUVs epitome to me, and I love it, and you've got the first (Saucony program Xodus), third (Saucony Xodus 3 Gtx) and fifth (Saucony Xodus 5Gtx) version of the xodus series is , these run only three years ago.
Yet the Nomad was minimal pattern and knocked out of the saddle and not just the name. In this case, the less often better. I really liked the soft damping everything "mule", there was hardly a hiking trail which I could not go dry. Rocky terrain is considerably more stable than large pattern, stemmed Power Grid total damping of the big good point me to my weight. Included in the minimalist 4mm perfect slope and landing stability and is characterized by a no-hepe hupa ficamítaná out that my ankle or persuade a slip. I go nearly 900km at almost zero wear and 81km Blood's Circle did not even kottyant for my feet, my feet operated without a hiss.
The Saucony Xodus 5 Gtx huge pattern, quite exceptionally aggressive. I can tell you it was not such a brilliant shoes, will eszetlenül, Vibram sole, all-round model is therefore zero chance of slipping. Compared to the previous three Saucony Xodus completely redesigned to offer Gtx shoes, the foot pattern only partially covers the old one. The most striking of the two-component rubber, black is the harder the edge of the red is much softer. Mud, snow, rain and harsh terrain of my beloved bean balls over run in the best companion. But, and here I am thinking particularly of the ultrákra, where the Kinizsi 100, mostly on the ground was hard, in fact quite a lot of concrete, there can be very bad. Completely apart bitten on the foot közepemet, very tough and aggressive pattern of the concrete is not very comfortable, and larger stones are very unstable and poor soil catch it. The Saucony Xodus definitely lost 3 Gtx was my strength concrete, it was like a summer snow tires, nyúlott, slid my energy disappeared, and murdered while my feet.
For this reason, too, now I think very careful what I draw what the soil needs to be aggressive outsole. Or turn comfortably "swooped", of course the more technical parts of slippage risk.
The Saucony Xodus 5 Gtx huge pattern, quite exceptionally aggressive. I can tell you it was not such a brilliant shoes, will eszetlenül, Vibram sole, all-round model is therefore zero chance of slipping. Compared to the previous three Saucony Xodus completely redesigned to offer Gtx shoes, the foot pattern only partially covers the old one. The most striking of the two-component rubber, black is the harder the edge of the red is much softer. Mud, snow, rain and harsh terrain of my beloved bean balls over run in the best companion. But, and here I am thinking particularly of the ultrákra, where the Kinizsi 100, mostly on the ground was hard, in fact quite a lot of concrete, there can be very bad. Completely apart bitten on the foot közepemet, very tough and aggressive pattern of the concrete is not very comfortable, and larger stones are very unstable and poor soil catch it. The Saucony Xodus definitely lost 3 Gtx was my strength concrete, it was like a summer snow tires, nyúlott, slid my energy disappeared, and murdered while my feet.
For this reason, too, now I think very careful what I draw what the soil needs to be aggressive outsole. Or turn comfortably "swooped", of course the more technical parts of slippage risk.